Monday, March 6, 2017

26 Year Old Nurse Gives 100 Year Old Man a Lap Dance, Promptly Fired

I don't wanna die. I really like living and all the benefits that not being dead provides. On the flip side of that, I don't want to live to be 100 years old either. I have a hard enough time washing my feet in the shower at the age of thirty-eight. I can't imagine moving around gets any easier going forward. The thought of being in a wheelchair unable to move, staring blankly into space with a nurse force feeding me apple sauce and prune juice is unbearable. I say just put me out of my misery around eighty-seven. Its a long life, but not too long that your body totally betrays you and you start pooping yourself again. I am going to tell my future children that instead of changing my diaper they can just put a bullet in my head.Once life comes full circle I am out. However, if I am unfortunate enough to live to the ripe old age of one-hundred, I hope this ladys grand-daughter is my nurse. Girl was born when the guy was seventy-four and she out there giving lap dances in the nursing home. What a hero. Shame on the people who are mad at this women. They say in the article the man indicated he was not interested in the lap dance. It was something, "he didn't want at all." I call bullshit. They don't say how he indicated his displeasure which says to me that he probably looked all nervous to the other nurses because he shit his pants while Hotty McNurse is mooning him and pretending to finger bang herself. This nurse should be getting a raise, not a pink slip.

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