Thursday, March 9, 2017

Has the Game of Thrones Ice Melted Yet?

I don't know the exact moment when every announcement had to become a spectacle so I am going to just blame LeBron James for what happened with the Game of Thrones Season 7 premiere date reveal today. Before he went up on stage to tell Jim Gray he was taking his talents to South Beach, everybody handled big announcements the same way: a press release. But egomaniac LeBron had to fuck it up for the rest of eternity and now every announcement is a grand production designed to keep people in suspense until the last possible moment. Is it fair to blame an NBA player for what HBO did today? I don't know, and frankly don't care. But I need someone to blame for me watching ice melt for over 25 minutes  and LeBron is a good a person as any to assign it to. For Christs sake, HBO, what the hell was that? Take some of the millions you gave Simmons and maybe do a couple test runs on melting the ice before you subject 100K people to that abomination of a live feed. Don't get me wrong, I watched it way longer than I should have, but even a die hard such as myself threw in the towel after the second feed went dark. It felt like HBO was going to keep this thing going until the new season actually starts July 16th. Can't wait to see what they do when they tell us when Curb is coming back.

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